Admissions » EdChoice Information

EdChoice Information

Ohio EdChoice Expansion Income Eligibility Requirements 24-25

EdChoice award amounts vary based on income and family size

  • Fill out an application for each student EVERY school year (even renewals). 
  • If your child already qualifies for the John Peterson Scholarship, that child CANNOT receive the EdChoice Scholarship, BUT if you have other children, you  should apply for them.
  • To support FMS operations – Fuchs Mizrachi School families should submit their application as soon as possible.
  • Use the FMS Four Step-By Step Guideline process below.
  • NEW Process for 24-25 School Year – Complete & Submit Your Application Form BEFORE submitting Income Verification Form, if needed. See FMS Four Step-By-Step Process below

Please complete the Renewal Form Application for each student.

  • Include a utility bill (dated within the last 90 days) for proof of address that includes a matching service and billing address.
  • Renewal Applications DO NOT require birth certificates.
  • Submit complete forms to Mrs. Elana Polster at [email protected]

All new first-time applicants (including siblings of currently enrolled students) must choose EdChoice-Expansion (Income Based) at the top of each child’s application. Please complete the Request Application

  • Include a utility bill (dated within the last 90 days) for proof of address that includes a matching service and billing address.
  • Provide a COPY of  birth certificates for each child.
  • Submit complete forms to Mrs. Elana Polster at [email protected]

FMS Four Step-By-Step Process

Step 1: Choose your application (See Boxes Below for application links). Complete and send to Mrs. Elana Polster at [email protected]


Step 2: Mrs. Polster will submit your application to the State of Ohio. Mrs. Polster will confirm by email to you that your application has been submitted to the State of Ohio. NOTE:  Your school must submit the application to Ohio EdChoice. YOU CANNOT submit your application.


Step 3: Income Verification (Use Online Application Process

All families applying for EdChoice for the first time time MUST complete income verification. Current families have the option and are encouraged to resubmit the Income Verification Form if you had a decline in your income.

NOTE: If you are adding a sibling to a student currently on the scholarship, your income verification form on file will be applied to the sibling’s application.


Step 4: When you receive your Award Notice from the State of Ohio (July or August), please print and sign. Either email a copy to [email protected], or bring it to the Main Office. This copy will be placed in your file. 

Income Verification Online Application Process

Use Online Process to submit your information. NOTE: If you do not have an existing OH|ID, you may create an account and login using the Open My Apps button on the Portal Help page.


Helpful Tips for Submitting Income


Still have questions about the process? Please email Mrs. Elana Polster at [email protected].


For 2024-25 award amounts vary based on income and family size. View Ohio EdChoice Expansion Income Eligibility Requirements 24-25

The term “grandfathered” for income verification means that ONLY YOUR PERCENTAGE applied to last year’s application award will remain the same. It DOES NOT mean that you would receive the exact same dollar amount in 24-25. 
No. Only private schools have access to submit your application. If you are making an application for Fuchs Mizrachi School, you must submit your application with utility bill for proof of address to Mrs. Elana Polster at [email protected]. If you are submitting a NEW application, ALSO bring a copy of each student’s birth certificate.

Only students that have been accepted and enrolled at Fuchs Mizrachi School for the next school year can apply for the Ohio EdChoice scholarship through the secure online application. First apply for admission by contact Mrs. Elana Polster at [email protected]. Once a student has been accepted and enrolled, Fuchs Mizrachi's Financial Aid Coordinator can work with you to submit a scholarship application for your student through the State of Ohio secure online application system.

Yes. Please contact Mrs. Elana Polster at [email protected].